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The Second Touch of Christ
Mark 8:22-26
In our Sunday School and Bible Studies- we have considered the various miracles of our Lord during His earthly ministry. One clear truth is that He did nothing aimlessly, but always had a purpose and reason for His actions. Whether we fully understand them or not, does not change the fact that He does have a purpose in what He does.
This morning’s text deals with a miracle that only Mark records for us. In some ways it is similar with other miracles that Jesus performed, but in other ways it is not. It is the second of the two event that we see in the scriptures where a second touch from the Lord was used to bring about the healing. (The first was in Mark 7:31-37)
I. Some Interesting Thoughts.
A. “They bring a blind man…”
1. People must be brought to Jesus.
2. It is the responsibility of believers to bring others to Christ.
3. We should not be satisfied to allow others to remain in blindness, we need to bring them to the Light of the World.
4. Lost people are blind to their needs. (2 Corinthians 4:4)
B. “… and besought Him to touch him.”
1. Only the touch of the master’s hand can take away that blindness.
2. But there was a problem in their thinking.
3. They had a preconceived idea about how Jesus would heal him.
4. In doing so they were limiting Jesus to work in only the way that they had expected Him to work.
5. We often make that same mistake.
C. “And he took…”
1. Jesus dealt with him one on one.
2. Jesus touched, but the man was not healed at the moment of one touch.
3. Imagine the scene of Jesus leading this blind man by the hand, until they had left the city.
4. Why did they leave the city?
a. Perhaps it was to get away from all the distractions.
b. Perhaps to avoid publicity and the mob scene that would result after healing
c. Perhaps it was because of the unbelief and hard-heartedness toward Jesus that was displayed by this city.
D. “…and when He had spit on his eyes…”
1. Not the same as in John 9:6 where He made clay to anoint the eyes of another blind man.
2. Actually this is quite different, He had never done this before.
3. It is even a bit repulsive at first thought.
4. But, it was Jesus the Light of the World and He did heal the man of his blindness.
E. “…He asked him if he saw ought.”
1. Jesus asked him if he could see anything.
2. Why did Jesus ask this question when He knew the answer.
3. When God asks questions such as this it is usually for the benefit of others.
4. He touched him again and the man saw clearly.
5. Why the second touch?
II. Some possible answers.
A. Salvation is not progressive.
1. Once a person exercises faith in the finished work of Christ for salvation, he is saved. (Jn. 3:36, Jn. 5:24, Acts 16:31)
2. The nobleman whose son was healed the moment he believed. (Jn. 4:46-53)
3. The thief on the cross. (Luke 23:43)
4. Jesus told Zacchaeus, “This day is salvation come to this house…”
B. Only one touch is needed for restoration. (1 Cor. 11:31, 1 Jn. 1:9)
1. Note the example of the prodigal son. (Lk. 15:21)
2. No matter how many steps backward you have taken as a Christian, it is only one step back to the Lord.
3. If you need to draw closer to the Lord today take the step of repentance and come home.
C. Sometimes, believers need a second touch to bring them back to clear thinking.
1. The disciples did. (vs. 18)
2. They had forgotten the teaching of the Lord when He fed the multitudes.
3. These disciples needed to be told over and over (a second touch).
D. Sometimes the sinner needs a second touch to bring them to faith.
1. This man did.
2. He didn’t come by himself, but was brought by friends. (Maybe he didn’t really believe or understand?)
3. But once he got a glimpse, he believed!
4. Some folks need to hear it again and again and again! (Rom. 10:17)
5. Salvation is by grace through faith…and some may need a second touch before they will exercise faith in Him!
III. The Invitation.
A. Have you put your faith in Jesus Christ?
1. He gently touches our lives and brings conviction to cause us to come to Him.
2. He is not willing that any should perish.
3. Is He dealing with your heart today?
B. Christians, have you given up on that one who never seems to respond? Don’t give up…ask the Lord to touch them again.

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