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Prophecies about the Antichrist
Dan. 11:21-45
In this lesson, I would write about Antiochus IV first, because he was the picture of the future antichrist. Then, we would study the prophecies about the antichrist. Once again, I would like to reiterate that all the events in Dan. 11: 1-35 are past. In verses 36-45 a leader is described who is introduced simply as “the king.” Some suggest that this is Antiochus IV Epiphanes and that the verses describe additional incursions of his into Israel. However, the details given in these verses were not fulfilled by Antiochus. True, Antiochus was a foreshadowing of a king who will come (Dan. 8:25). But the two are not the same. One is past and the other is future.
I. Antiochus IV (Dan. 11:21-35)
A. Antiochus IV (175 B.C. – 164 B.C.), surnamed Epiphanes (God manifest) but called by his enemies Epimanes (madman). Antiochus IV was one of the cruellest rulers of all time. Like his father, Antiochus III the Great, he was enterprising and ambitious; however, he had a tendency to cruelty that bordered on madness. His primary aim-to unify his empire by spreading Greek civilization and culture-brought him into direct conflict with the Jews. This conflict broke into open rebellion in 167 B.C. Accounts of these conflicts are found in the apocryphal book of 2 Maccabees.
B. The revolt began with Antiochus’ edict that sought to unite all the peoples of his kingdom in religion, law, and custom. The Jews were the only people who would not adhere to this edict. Antiochus issued regulations against observing the Sabbath, practicing circumcision, and keeping all food laws. These regulations were followed by the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION (Dan. 11:31) – the erection of the altar of the Greek god Zeus over the altar of the burnt offering in the Temple. Jews were forced to participate in heathen festivities and were put to death if they were caught with the Book of the Law in their possession.
C. As the revolt, led by Judas Maccabeus, gained momentum, the people of Israel united to overthrow Seleucid domination of their land. The Syrians were routed and the Temple was cleansed on the 25th of Chislev, 165 B.C. This cleansing is now observed by the Jews as the Feast of Lights (Hanukkah), around December 25. According to ancient writers, Antiochus IV withdrew into the East following his defeat. He died in Persia a madman.
II. The Antichrist (Dan. 11:36-45)
A. The coming king (the little “horn” of 7:8 and “the ruler” of 9:26) will be the final ruler in the Roman world. His rise to prominence by satanic power is described in Rev 13:1-8 where he is called a “beast.” According to John (Rev. 17:12-13), he will gain authority not by military conquest but by the consent of the 10 kings who will submit to him. Starting with Dan 11:36 the prophecy moves from the “near” to the “far.” The events recorded in verses 36-45 will occur during the final seven years of the 70 sevens (Dan. 9:24). It is also written “the time of the end”.
B. This coming king will be independent of any authority apart from himself (he will do according to his will). Midway during his seven-year reign he will exercise the political power given him by the 10 kings who will have elected him (Rev. 17:12-13).
He will also take to himself absolute power in the religious realm, magnifying himself above all gods and defying and speaking blasphemously against God.
C. “He shall exalt himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: The world will be persuaded to worship him as god by the miracles the false prophet will perform in his name (Rev. 13:11-15). He will succeed in spreading his influence around the world, both politically and religiously (Rev. 13:7-8).
D. The duration of this king’s rule has been determined by God. He will be successful as the world ruler during the time of wrath, the three and one-half years of the Great Tribulation, but at the end of that period the judgment determined by God will be meted out to him (Dan. 7:11,26; 9:27; Rev. 19:19-20).
E. Because of the reference to the gods (or God, Elohim) of his fathers, some have concluded that this ruler will be a Jew, since the Old Testament frequently uses the phrase “the God of your fathers” to refer to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (e.g., Ex 3:15). However, since this individual will be the final ruler in the Roman world, the little horn of the fourth beast (Dan. 7:8, 24 b), he must be a Gentile.
F. His showing no regard for the gods of his fathers means that in order to gain absolute power in the religious realm, this king will have no respect for his religious heritage. He will set aside all organized religion (nor will he regard any god) and will set himself up (exalt himself) as the sole object of worship. Instead of depending on God, he will depend on his own power (received from Satan, Rev. 13:2) and by that power he will demand worship of himself.
G. The fact that he has no regard for the one desired by women suggests that he may be a homosexual, or he may have no normal desire or interest for women.
H. The Antichrist will honor the god of forces, that is, he will promote military strength. And because of his political and religious power he will be able to accumulate vast wealth. The god whom his father’s knew not (ancestors), who will give him strength, is Satan. Though this king will come to power offering peace through a covenant with Israel (Dan. 9:27) he will not hesitate to use military power to expand his dominion.
I. Those who submit to his authority will be put in positions of power (he will greatly honor them), and his ability to dispense favors (divide the land for gain) which will gain him a great following. The Antichrist will force the nations and
their militaries to worship “a strange god,” which is himself as an incarnation of
Satan. He will be killed and resurrected, and the world will marvel and worship him
(Rev. 13:3-4).
J. In verses 40-45 every occurrence of “he” (seven times), “him” (four times), and “his” (three times) refers to this coming king. He will have entered into a covenant with the people of Israel, binding that nation as a part of his domain (Dan. 9:27). Any attack, then, against the land of Israel will be an attack against him with whom Israel will be joined by covenant.
K. The king of the South will attack Israel. Some suggest that this will occur at the middle of the 70th “seven” of years; more likely it will take place toward the end of the second half of that seven-year period. Since “the king of the South” in 11:5-35 referred to a king of Egypt, there seems to be no reason to relate this king of the South (v. 40) to some other nation.
L. In fact, Egypt is mentioned twice in verses 42-43. In this invasion Egypt will not come alone but will be joined by the Libyans and Nubians (v. 43). These nations, referred to elsewhere as Put and Cush, may be nations in Africa. However, it is more likely
that Put refers to Arab nations in the Sinai area and Cush to nations in the Persian Gulf region (Gen 2:13).
M. Simultaneous with the invasion of Israel by the king of the South (Egypt) will be an invasion by the king of the North (Russia). Some Bible scholars equate this invasion with the one by Gog and Magog, for Gog will “come from… the far north” (Ezek. 38:15).
N. They suggest that the battle of Gog and Magog will occur when Israel is at peace (Ezek. 38:11,14). According to that view, a difference is made between Gog who will come from “the far north” (Ezek. 38:15) and a later invasion which will be headed by “the king of the North” (Dan. 11:40). Either way the king of the North in verse 40 is certainly not one of the Seleucid kings of the North in verses 5-35. This invasion has no correspondence to historical facts; it is yet future.
O. The king of the South and the king of the North will fight against the Antichrist. These two nations specially Russia will be destroyed upon the mountains of Israel by God Himself. Palestine will be occupied by the antichrist.
Israel will be occupied and many Jews will flee, seeking refuge among the Gentile nations (Rev. 12:14-16).
P. He will move quickly into the land of Israel, the Beautiful Land (v. 41; cf. v. 16; 8:9). His first strike will be against Egypt (11:42-43 a), for Egypt and her Arab allies (Libyans and Nubians, v. 43) are the ones who will initiate the invasion on Israel. On this occasion the king will not conquer the territory of Edom, Moab, and… Ammon (v. 41), now included in the present kingdom of Jordan. But he will gain control over “many countries.”
Q. Then the Antichrist will hear alarming reports from the east (probably referring to an invasion by a massive army of 200 million soldiers from east of the Euphrates River, Rev. 9:16) and from the north (perhaps another attack by the king of the North; Dan. 11:40). Enraged, the Antichrist will set out to destroy… many of the invaders. Then he will occupy Israel and will pitch his royal tents between the seas, that is, between the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, at the beautiful holy mountain, probably Jerusalem.
R. Posing as Christ, the Antichrist will set up his headquarters in Jerusalem, the same city from which Christ will rule the world in the Millennium (Zech. 14:4,17). The Antichrist will also pose as Christ by introducing a one-world government with himself as the ruler and a one-world religion in which he is worshiped as God. His end will be come at Christ’s return as described in Revelation 19:11-21. No one will help him, because no one can help him against the Almighty power of Christ. The armies massed on the plains of Megiddo and the valley of Jezreel will be destroyed and the Antichrist and his false prophet will be cast into the lake of fire.
III. Brief Summary of the life of the Antichrist:
A. Important Points
Inconspicuous beginning—Daniel 7:8, 24; Rev. 6:1-2.
Makes treaty with Jews for Seven Years—Isaiah 28:15, 18; Daniel 9:27.
Overcomes some resistance in uniting Europe—Daniel 7:8, 20, 24.
Becomes head of 10-nation European Confederacy—Rev. 13:1; Rev. 17:12-13.
Attacked by Kings of the South and the North, and is killed—Daniel 11:40-43.
His deadly head wound is healed—Rev. 13:1, 12-14.
He becomes world ruler—Rev. 13:7b; Rev. 17:9, 11-14, 17, 18; Rev. 18:2, 10, 16. Breaks Jewish treaty and stops temple sacrifices—Daniel 9:27.
Kills the Two Witnesses—Rev. 11:3-7.
Usurps divine worship—2 Thes. 2:4; Matthew 24:15.
Persecuted the Jews—Daniel 7:21-22; Jeremiah 30:7.
Kills the 144,000 Evangelists—Rev. 14:1-5.
Destroys the World Church—Rev. 17:16-17.
Defeated at Armageddon by Christ—Rev. 17:14; Rev. 19:19.
Cast alive into the Lake of Fire—Rev. 19:20; Rev. 20:10.
IV. Conclusion:
Antiochus IV Epiphanes is the picture of the future antichrist.
The written prophecy will all be fulfilled. The antichrist will come, after the rapture of the church. He will rule but the Lord Jesus Christ will defeat him and cast him alive in the Lake of fire. My friend, God’s Word, the Bible is true. Repent from your sins now and receive Christ as your personal Saviour before its too late.

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