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Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream (Part 2)
Dan. 2:14- 23
Nebuchadnezzar’s counsellors or the wise men failed to tell and satisfy his demands, so the death sentence was pronounced. Daniel and his three friends fell into the category of wise men to be killed, so they will also be killed. We are not sure whether the wise men were being killed as they were arrested, or whether they were all being rounded up for some kind of mass execution. It is in this situation that Daniel came in to the story to speak to the king. It is uncertain whether any wise men actually died before Daniel spoke to Nebuchadnezzar. We do know, with certainty, that the king fully intended to kill every one of his wise men throughout the land.
I. Daniel’s Request for Delay (Dan. 2: 14-16)
A. Daniel was not present when the wise men were summoned by the King. No explanation was given in the Bible.
B. When word came that he was under a death sentence, he respectfully asked Arioch, the commander of the king’s guard, for the reason. Arioch explained the loss of confidence of the king to the wise men and their deception.
C. Daniel, even at a young age, was a man of wisdom.
D. Wisdom is the ability to appropriate truth to experience. He was in the crisis of his life, yet he knew how to apply the Word of God to his situation.
E. Daniel boldly approached the king with the request that the executions be delayed for a while so that he might interpret the king’s dream. This took boldness because the king had already accused the wise men of wanting more time (v. 8).
F. Daniel was evidently highly respected even by the king because he was permitted access to the king’s presence and was able to petition the king directly.
G. No doubt Nebuchadnezzar recalled that the four Hebrews had been exceptional students and were superior to the men whose lives were now in danger. Why kill your four best counsellors just because of the incompetence of the others?
H. By faith, Daniel promised to show the king his dream and the interpretation, for he knew that the Lord would answer prayer.
Illustration/Application: Jefferson’s 10 Rules For Living
Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
Never trouble another for what you can do yourself.
Never spend your money before you have it.
Never buy what you don’t want because it is cheap.
Pride costs more than hunger, thirst and cold.
We seldom repent of having eaten too little.
Nothing is troublesome that we do willingly.
How much pain and evils have cost us that have never happened.
Take things always by the smooth handle.
When angry, count ten before you speak; if very angry, count to one hundred.
—The Union Democrat Encyclopedia of 15,000 Illustrations: Signs of the Times.
II. Prayer meeting with his friends (Dan. 2: 16-18)
A. Daniel informed his three friends of the decree to kill the wise men. He faced his crisis with people upon whom he could depend.
B. Throughout this book, Daniel and his friends are presented as men of faith and prayer (Dan. 6; 9). They were far from home, but by faith they could “look toward” Jerusalem and the temple and claim the promise of 1 Kings 8:44-45. The God of heaven would hear their prayers and answer them for His own glory. The word “secret” (rawz) is used seven times in this chapter and is the equivalent of the Greek word mysterion (“mystery”) which is used twenty-two times in the New Testament. It means “a hidden truth that is revealed only to the initiated.” God had hidden prophetic truth in the dream and He enabled His servant to know both the dream and its interpretation and to understand God’s future plans. “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much”.
Illustration/Application: Prayer
When facing crisis, we must pray. We all need mature Christian friends in a crisis. Do you have friends upon whom you can call in a crisis? Can you depend on them for spiritual help? It is not enough to have Christian friends; we must have mature Christian friends to meet difficult needs. The purpose of Daniel informing his three friends was that they might pray about the situation. He believed in united prayer. He and his friends prayed for mercies from the God of heaven. Mercies are God’s desire to meet needs in His people. God blesses team prayer. There is power in united prayer. That’s why there’s prayer warriors in churches
III. The Revelation (Dan. 2: 19)
A. In response to the prayer of the four, the dream was revealed to Daniel, evidently that same night.
B. As the dream came to Nebuchadnezzar in the night, so the dream and its meaning came to Daniel in a night vision (verse 19).
C. God revealed the whole panorama of Gentile dominion to Daniel. This period is otherwise known as the time of the Gentiles referred to by Jesus Christ. This period covers the time from Nebuchadnezzar to Christ’s Second Coming.
D. Daniel received direct revelation both as to the content and the meaning of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. This is the only record of a dream being revealed to someone other than the person who originally received the dream. God revealed this secret to Daniel in direct answer to prayer.
IV. Praising the Lord (Dan. 2: 19b-23)
A. Daniel now lifts a hymn of praise to God.
B. He acknowledged that God is a God of wisdom, knowing the end from the beginning, and a God of power, for whatever He determines, He can do. Daniel began and concluded His prayer speaking of God’s wisdom and power
C. Evidences of His power is seen in His control of events: He changes times and seasons, (he removeth kings, and setteth up kings). Nebuchadnezzar was on the throne because God determined to use him there to fulfil His will.
D. Evidences of God’s wisdom are seen in His imparting wisdom to the wise and in His revealing deep and secret things. Light dwells with God in the sense that all things are clear to Him though people are surrounded by darkness. God knows and can reveal the future.
E. God, not Daniel’s insight, gave him the dream and its interpretation. Daniel’s prayer of praise closed with thanks that God had revealed the king’s dream to the four who had trusted Him.
V. Conclusion:
The coming execution of all wise men were delayed because of Daniel’s wisdom in handling crisis. His prayer with his friends made the difference. God answered their prayers. The dream and its meaning were revealed to Daniel. After that, Daniel praised the Lord for His wisdom, power, and omniscience. He gave thanks to God who alone can reveal the secret things. We will continue this next week.

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