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Let us Draw near to God
Heb. 10:19-25


Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is the key person in this Book. The Apostle Paul at first presents Christ as the son of God (Heb. 1:1-2:4), as the son of Man (Heb. 2:5-4:13). His superiority to the angels, the prophets, to the Levitical priests, as well as His superior once and for all sacrifice have all been shown and emphasized. From this point until the end of this Epistle, everything we have learned, from exhortations to doctrines, we are now urged to put it into practice.

I. Let us Draw Near (Heb. 10:19-22)
A. The word boldness comes from the Greek “parrhesia ” which means confidence and freedom to speak openly.” As children of God now, we can boldly come into the throne of God, just as we come and talk to our earthly father. No doubt, no fear. We can ask and tell Him what is in our hearts confidently. This doesn’t mean disrespectful approach to God. It just emphasizes the confidence with which we can draw near to our Heavenly Father. It’s so different to the Old Testament High Priest who, on the Day of Atonement, entered the Most Holy Place with fear.
B. Through the once and for all sacrifice of Christ, we can come to God anytime. He is the new and living way and a Hight Priest over the house of God which is the church.
C. Let us draw near. This is an invitation to fellowship with the Holy God of Heaven. It is our duty  and privilege to “draw near” for praise, thanksgiving, and, supplication. Upon the death Christ the veil separating the Holy of Holies was ripped from top to bottom telling believers can now draw near to God.
D. With a true heart. In prayer and praise, in our worship, a sincere heart was required. No hypocrisy. Our hearts should be truthful, serious and genuine when we come to God.
E. In full assurance of faith. This means firm confidence; a faith in God which leaves no room for doubt that gives believers assurance and security to persevere even in the midst of all trials and difficulties.
F. Having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience means, “having them cleansed from all consciousness of evil,” and being fully committed to follow and be obedient to the will of Christ. Christ’s blood purifies the heart, removes our sins and guilt.
G. “Our bodies washed with pure water”. When Aaron was to go into the holy of holies, he was first to wash his flesh with water, Lev. 4:24. so was the leper to wash himself in water that he may be clean. Lev. 14:8. And so it was in cases of other uncleanness the persons were obliged to bathe themselves in water; Lev. 6:27. It is in allusion to these customs that the apostle made use of the words pure, or clear water; meaning that we should keep ourselves free and unspotted from sin.
H. The above-mentioned facts are the blessed truth of Scripture. No child of God has to live under the guilt and condemnation of their past. Too many are living a miserable existence under the load and guilt of sin that has already been forgiven.

Illustration/Application: The Apology
Hugh Lattimer once preached before King Henry VIII. Henry was greatly displeased by the boldness in the sermon and ordered Lattimer to preach again on the following Sunday and apologize for the offence he had given. The next Sunday, after reading his text, he thus began his sermon:
“Hugh Lattimer, dost thou know before whom thou are this day to speak? To the high and mighty monarch, the king’s most excellent majesty, who can take away thy life, if thou offendest. Therefore, take heed that thou speakest not a word that may displease. But then consider well, Hugh, dost thou not know from whence thou comest—upon Whose message thou are sent? Even by the great and mighty God, who is all-present and Who beholdeth all thy ways and Who is able to cast thy soul into hell! Therefore, take care that thou deliverest thy message faithfully.”
He then preached the same sermon he had preached the preceding Sunday—and with considerably more energy. Evangelism, A Biblical Approach, M. Cocoris, Moody, 1984, p. 126

II. Steadfastness (Heb. 10:23)
A. “Let us hold fast the profession of our faith”. There is no need to waver in our hopes and expectations of what God will do for us in the days to come, because He who has promised these things is faithful to bring them to pass. And since God is so faithful to perform every promise, He has made, we ought to be steadfast and unwavering in our faithfulness to him.
B. We have noted in our study of Hebrews that there is an emphasis on the glorious hope of the believer. God is “bringing many sons unto glory” (Heb. 2:10). Believers are “partakers of the heavenly calling” (Heb. 3:1) and therefore can rejoice in hope (Heb. 3:6). Hope is one of the main themes of Heb. 6 (vv. 11-12, 18-20). We are looking for Christ to return (Heb. 9:28) and we are seeking that city that is yet to come (Heb. 13:14).
C. When a believer has his hope fixed on Christ, and relies on the faithfulness of God, then he will not waver. Instead of looking back (as the Jews so often did), we should look ahead to the coming of the Lord. (Bible Exposition Commentary).

Illustration/Application: The Rich Employer
Peter Eldersveld tells of a rich Christian who had a large company of employees, and many of them owed him money. He was constantly trying to teach them something about Christianity, and one day he hit upon a plan. He posted a notice for his employees to see that said, “All those who will come to my office between eleven and twelve o’clock on Thursday morning to present an honest statement of their debts will have them cancelled at once.” The debtors read the notice with a great deal of scepticism, and on Thursday morning, although they gathered in the street in front of his office, not one of them went to the door. Instead, they gossiped and complained about their employer, and ridiculed the notice he had posted. They said it didn’t make sense.
But finally, at 11:45, one man jumped forward, dashed up the steps into the office, and presented his statement. “Why are you here?” the rich man asked him. “Because you promised to cancel the debts of all those who would come as you instructed,” the other replied. “And do you believe the promise?” “Yes, I do.” “Why do you believe it?” persisted the employer. “Because, although it was too much for me to understand, I know that you are a good man who would not deceive anyone.” The rich man took the bill and marked it “Paid in full,” at which time the poor man, overcome, cried out, “I knew it! I told them so! They said it couldn’t be true, and now I’m going out to show them.” “Wait,” said his benefactor, “it’s not quite twelve o’clock. The others are not entitled to any special proof of my sincerity.” When the clock struck twelve, the forgiven debtor ran out waving his receipt in the face of his fellows. With a mad rush they made for the door, but it was too late. The door was locked.             Illustrations of Bible Truths.

III. Let us consider one another (Heb. 10:24-25)
A. “And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and good works”. Let us consider how to stimulate Christian brothers and sisters to love and good works. We must be kind and sensitive to the welfare of others and not our own interest only. We should strengthen one another and encourage one another.
B. Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together. The word forsaking means “to leave behind or desert.” The word assembling comes from the Greek “episunagoge” which speaks of assembling or gathering together for worship. That is what the local Church is—a gathering of believers. The word Church comes from the Greek “ekklesia” and means “a called-out assembly.” There is no such things as invisible church.
C. We must not stop assembling together with our fellow believers. This verse may refer to those who were failing to worship regularly out of fear of persecution, some may not be happy with the preacher or to some members of the church, some may even think, it’s no longer needed. Christians should regard it as a sacred duty to meet together for the worship of God.
D. But exhorting one another. The word exhort means to encourage. Many Christians have fallen away because of a lack of encouragement. The local assembly is the best place to get encouragement from one another. We are created to fellowship. We need one another (Rom. 14:7, Prov. 27:17)
E. The day is approaching is the day of the Lord’s return. Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ may come any time and it should motivate the believer to live a holy life serving Him faithfully with a pure heart.

Illustration/Application: Forsaking
During a thunder storm that contained high winds, a giant oak tree was blown down. The tree was thought to be in perfect health; that is, from outward appearance it seemed to be in good health since it was almost perfectly shaped and full of green leaves. However, the massive tree could not withstand the stress of the high wind because of deterioration on the inside. What started as a tiny corruption at the center of the tree had spread until that tremendous tree was so weakened that it was toppled by the wind.
One may reach a point where he forsakes God altogether. It is because he (like the tree) has decayed on the inside. Perhaps the deterioration started with a little lie or one small drink of beer or forsaking the assembly to go fishing or camping. Long before our feet carry us where we ought not go, and our hands do what they ought not do, the desire is in our hearts (Ps. 119:9–11). With pure hearts we will be able to stand the stress of temptation and the stress of everyday living.
A Treasury of Bible Illustrations.

IV. Conclusion:
In application for all that written in the previous chapters, we are encouraged to draw near to God with a true heart and in full assurance of faith. Let us be steadfast in our hope because Christ will always be true to His promises and it will all come to pass. Let us consider one another, encourage one another and we must not stop going to church specially now that the Lord may come any time. My friend, can you do this? Yes, you can if you have trusted Christ as your personal Saviour.

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